Start making online or Facebook

People are not aware that things that they do, or to much committed to everyday can become their full time jobs. People think that scamming other people is the only way of making money online, but the truth is that scamming is the worst way of making money, its only brings bad luck to individual, and God can punish you for doing that. They are better things you can do than scamming people God is watching.

Online Reseller

One of the best way of making money online is to become a online reseller. Some are asking what do I mean by the word reseller? You can buy and resell things. What do I like about being a reseller is that you can sell different things.

What can you sell?

You can start selling appliance and electronics components such as cellphones, ipad, laptops, personal computers, keyboard, mouse, hard-drive, play station, TV games, Xbox, dish decoder etc. If you are brave enough you can sell big things such as Washing machines, Stoves, Tables, chairs, wardrobe, drawer, kitchen unit, Sofa, etc.

Where to get all this this?

People are selling their old stuffs online, what is good is that they are selling them at the lowest price. Facebook is one of the best ways to meet people who are selling things, you can like pages or join groups for people who are selling or want to buy second hand things. Other platforms to meet sellers are Gumtree, OLX, amazon, eBid, eBay etc.

Where to sell?

You can start selling to people around you, or sell them online. Selling them online is the way, if you have something to sell you can advertise it on facebook, you can like pages or join groups for people who are selling or want to buy second hand things. Other platforms to meet customers as mentioned above are Gumtree, OLX, amazon, eBid, eBay etc.

I hope this article will help you and prepare you for your future, there are many things you can do other than scamming people. This business can make you business person or billionaire it's start from somewhere.

Fri , 27 Oct 2017

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